Canesten Vaginal Cream

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Canesten Vaginal Cream (Generic Clotrimazole vaginal cream) is used for the relief of vaginal itching, burning and discharge associated with recurrent vaginal yeast infections (vaginal candidiasis).

Unit price: $12.50
Unit price: $12.33
Unit price: $11.80
Unit price: $11.57
Unit price: $11.00

Canesten Vaginal Cream – Product Information

Canesten Vaginal Cream is used for the relief of vaginal itching, burning and discharge associated with recurrent vaginal yeast infections (vaginal candidiasis).
We also stock Generic Clotrimazole cream (Canesten cream) which are used to treat a wide range of skin infections caused by fungi. These include infections with dermatophytes such as tinea, eg ringworm, athlete’s foot, and jock itch and infections such as fungal nappy rash, sweat rash, or thrush.

Name of Drug

Canesten Vaginal Cream

Manufacturer of Canesten Vaginal Cream


Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

The active pharmaceutical ingredient present in Canesten Vaginal Cream is Clotrimazole

Drug Uses

For the relief of vaginal itching, burning and discharge associated with recurrent vaginal yeast infections (vaginal candidiasis).


Fill enclosed vaginal applicator to the top (i.e. 5 g CANESTEN Vaginal Cream). Insert deeply into the vagina every night on retiring for six consecutive days even if symptoms disappear. This is best achieved when lying on the back with the legs pulled in a little towards the body. If individual cases should require it, two applications of 5 g Vaginal Cream can be used daily i.e. one in the morning and one in the evening, for 6-12 days. Use even during menstruation, although it is recommended that the treatment should not be carried out during menstruation but should be completed before this begins. For candida vulvitis or vulvo-vaginitis the vaginal cream should be applied thinly to the external genitalia 2 or 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. For the prevention of re-infection, the partner should be treated locally with CANESTEN Cream at the same time in so far as symptoms (e.g. pruritus, inflammation, etc.) are present. CANESTEN preparations are colourless and do not stain the underwear.


See side-effects and special precautions. In case of accidental ingestion, gastro-intestinal disturbances and central nervous system depression may occur. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Clotrimazole is a broad spectrum antimycotic with fungicidal properties.

Warnings and Precautions

  • Use only if you have already had a vaginal yeast infection diagnosed by a medical practitioner and you have the same symptoms now, otherwise consult your doctor. These symptoms include itching and burning of the vagina and sometimes a white discharge.
  • If there is no improvement in 3 days or if symptoms have not disappeared within 7 days, then consult a medical practitioner as not all vaginal infections are caused by yeasts.
  • Consult a medical practitioner if you have abdominal pain, fever or a foul-smelling vaginal discharge before or during use of this medication.
  • If symptoms recur within 2 months, consult a medical practitioner.
  • If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant or are nursing, do not use this medication except on the advice of a medical practitioner.
  • Do not use in girls under 12 years of age, except on the advice of a medical practitioner.
  • If skin rash or new irritation occurs, discontinue use.
  • Direct contact with Canesten Vaginal Cream may reduce the effectiveness and safety of latex products such as condoms and diaphragms. The effect is temporary and occurs only during treatment.

Possible Side Effects

Local reactions including irritation and burning may occur. Contact allergic dermatitis has been reported. In cases of systemic absorption, lower abdominal cramps, increase in urinary frequency and skin rash may occur.

CANESTEN Vaginal Cream may only be used during pregnancy on the advice of a medical doctor. Clotrimazole Vaginal Cream should not be administered to pregnant women during the first trimester, since the safety in this regard has not been established. The possibility of absorption of Clotrimazole when administered vaginally cannot be excluded.

Buy Canesten Vaginal Cream 20 mg in 30 gm Tubes Online

You can buy Canesten Vaginal Cream 20 mg online from the Swiss Pharmacy. Generic Clotrimazole vaginal cream is available in tubes of 30 gm.     The 30 gm Tubes are priced at only $11 per unit if you place an order for 9 tubes.




Pack Size

2 tubes, 3 tubes, 5 tubes, 7 tubes, 9 tubes

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